Articles on: Learn About ChainPort

Fees on ChainPort

How are Porting Fees Calculated?

Porting fees are 0.3% or 0.2% of the port value at the time of porting tokens depending on the payment method. If you wish to pay for the transaction in the form of the ported token or chain tokens, fees are 0.3% of the value of the transaction.

Pay for the Porting Fee

Pay for the porting fee using PORTX tokens. The PORTX tokens will be deducted automatically from the staking contract. You can learn more about PORTX in:
Frequently Asked Questions Related to PORTX Token
ChainPort's Official Website

Fee distribution

ChainPort’s fee mechanism ensures long-term sustainability for a cross-chain bridge. The mechanism essentially turns ChainPort and PORTX tokens into an ecosystem with incentives for holders and crypto projects. By turning ChainPort into a fully-fledged ecosystem, it will become the defacto bridge of choice for whoever wants to port tokens.

Fees on Ethereum

ChainPort charges extra gas on the source chain to cover the minting and sending of the tokens on the target chain. On most chains, this cost is small and usually doesn't pass ~$1.5, but when bridging to Ethereum the gas cost becomes more significant and changes frequently due to gas demand and cost on Ethereum. To verify how much the extra fee is hover on the tooltip in Confirm Modal > Gas Fee:

Confirm Modal Gas Fee

We cannot fetch the exact gas per TX as it will make the TX even more expensive, therefore we set a fee and work to update it when necessary, but still, the gas we charge doesn't fit the exact cost, and sometimes it's above or below the gas eventually paid.

We are working on a new architecture to make the process more efficient and cost effective and we hope to deliver it later this year.

0.3%0.2%0% - 0.1%
In ported tokens or chain tokens (gas)From port value paid in PORTX TokensFees on popular stablecoins, depending on route and token

Updated on: 19/12/2023

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